[@LeeRoy] [i]Ansgar succeeded with his judo throw, but he couldn't have expected it to go smoothly where a wild black man was concerned. For Zande, this had been the first time he had ever been judo'd by someone smaller than him. For Ansgar, it'd probably be the first time an opponent had propelled a nasty gout of blood into his face. Zande flexed and rocked his wounded left arm at Ansgar's face as the clash took him up and over the knight, potentially drenching the man's eyes with red in more ways than one. Were Ansgar to be temporarily blinded by the blood, he'd find himself quite dead not a second after hitting the ground across from the tribesman. It was a simple tactic, but simplicity is often the best weapon. Zande dropped his right axe when they toppled over each other, and Ansgar might have been too fogged up with the gooey bodily fluid to see the lunatic whip his weighted hunting knife out. Ten inches of viciously sharp serrated steel that would, if Zande had his way, be immediately thrust through Ansgar's visor and into his right eye socket after they landed, a skillful assault not of the sort to be disrupted by a lucky head tilt. Zande'd make sure to avoid the shield arm so that his aim stayed true, though of course that's easier said than done. If Ansgar pitched a fit in anticipation of getting stabbed in the frontal lobe, it'd take Zande considerably more time to line up his shot.[/i]