[center][h3]Rylen | Dune City - Pokemon Center[/h3] [@EWillden][@Heckno12][@Sketcher][@Tangletail][@alexfangtalon] [/center] [hider=Team] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/larvitar.gif[/img] LV: [15] Ability: Guts Item: N/A Moves: - Bite - Chip Away - Sandstorm - Screech [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/rufflet.gif[/img] LV: [11] Ability: Sheer Force Item: N/A Moves: - Fury Attack - Peck - Leer - Wing Attack [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list][*] Wallet - 300P [*]x4 Pokeballs [*]x5 Potions [/list] [/hider] [color=orange]"I'm no expert, but I think it's missing a lot of parts..."[/color], he pointed out. A kid came out with some medical equipment, visibly the healing machine. [color=orange]"B... By the way... What you just did is... Looting... With that... I don't think that's legal. Better hand it in to authorities so they can find some handyman to get it working tomorrow..."[/color], he suggested, and pointed out, forcibly taking things amidst chaos was the definition of looting, although it's fine if handed in. There were also a lot of parts pertaining to a healing machine, even if he managed to grab a bulk of it, there was no guarantee it had everything it needed to work, whether it be some missing parts or just power and cabling in general. Still, it was probably a help to the town... That is if he hands it in.