[color=lightgreen][center][h2][b]Scholar Leo Cyrule[/b][/h2] [h3]Dune City; Pokemon Center burned[/h3][/center][/color] [center] [@Sho Minazuki] [@Heckno12] [@Sketcher] [@EWillden] [hider=Current Team] Treeko [img]http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemon/252.png[/img] Name: Maple Leaf Ability: Overgrowth Lvl 13 Moves: Bullet Seed, Pound, Mega Drain, ??? Condition: In bad shape [/hider] [/center] [color=007236]“Mmm…”[/color] The man began as he lifted his mon off of the cart and carefully set her down in the sand, with the towel under her. He then pulled a box of tools out from under the cart, and a long cable. [color=007236]“I hear you loud and clear. But there’s not much to worry about.”[/color] Leon then crouched down and pulled out a bundle of cables and tossed them off to the side as well. [color=007236]“I plan on handing this back once I get this up and running again. Other wise it would have burned, and… a lot of pokemon would be just shit out of luck for a couple of two or three weeks.”[/color] He opened up a side panel to the machine and poked his head inside. His eyes quickly sifting about it’s parts for the power supply. Once he found it he read it’s lable, mumbling softly to himself, [i][color=007236]“two hundred fourty volts, fifteen amps… so that’s… about three... point eight kilowatts of power… need the heavy duty.”[/color][/i] With that he drew out his machete and stuck it into the ground point end first. He pulled out a thick cable from the selection and quickly pulled it across the blade. Cutting off one end of the extension cable. And then working more carefully to expose the wires. [color=007236]“A handy man could fix it, true true. But that handy man won’t show for… another three days,” [/color]he continued. Carefully cutting away the insulation between the wires on both the extension cable, and the power supply for the machine. [color=007236]“And the missing parts? Unnessary. That massive bit behind it is just a covered heat shroud. Not much more than aluminum tubing. This machine dumps out a lot of heat… no lie… it’ll be a sona in a closed room if it wasn’t properly dispersed. But that can be handled later.”[/color] The trainer than looked up to them as he connected the two wires together by twisting them. [color=007236]“I should probably introduce myself though. I am Leon Cyrule. I’ve spent a long time studying different things in hopes of becoming an Engineer one day. And that simply means that I solve practical problems.”[/color] He then slipped the insulation back over the wires, and began to seal them back together with the aid of electrical tape. [color=007236]“So what do you do when you get a bundle of trainers, whom’s friends were roughed up in a fight of roufians, and the aspiring engineer who made a promise to a friend to get a medical call?,"[/color] Leon nodded to his treecko, whom definitely looked like she was in some bad shape. [color=007236]" Practical problem.”[/color] With that Leon finished up the power cord, and pulled out the technical manual for the machine. He then shifted to inspect the monitor that had been cracked in the heat. The crack was superficial it seems, though he did need to take a moment to reconnect some of the broken wiring. A glance over the electronics proved no real damage. The insides also look as if it had been protected from the heat by the casing. Looks like it should work fine. [color=007236]“Huh… less messed up than I thought. Only real damage was from breaking off the feet, and hacking the power cable. So… just need to go back to the Nurses, hand them the machine. And find a power source. A strong power source. Strong enough to go to the future I guess. Bit of an exaggeration really, just enough to run an air conditioning for a house.”[/color]