[center][b][u]THE STORY THUS FAR[/u][/b][/center] [center][hider=Chapter The First, OR, After the Birthday] Our intrepid hero, and crown prince to the Kingdom of Zersal, Kallain Windral (Known by his friends as Kal) awakens with a headache from the massive rager the night before held in honor of his 22nd birthday. He is woken by the snores of his trusty bodyguard, the retired knight Reindolous, who left behind the valor the battlefield for something infinitely more perilous, becoming the mentor and guardian of a young and growing boy. As Kal begins to approach the kitchens for something to appease his headache, he is accosted by the court scribe, Serell, who demands that Kal deal with a farmer petitioning the Throne. Once Kal enters the throne room, he is informed by the farmer that his homestead and his town have been living under the threat of... Turnips. After an embarrassing faux-pas, it is cleared up that rather than root vegetables, the farming towns have been terrorized by (human) bandits. Deciding that the best course of action is to have a small fighting force, (led by Kal) to deal with the errant Turnips, sending Serell to organize the fighting group. As Kal leaves the Throne room, he bumps into Drevalla, his younger sister and priestess to the Patron God of the Kingdom, Spaldi. Drevalla has spent the last ten years training and later serving Spaldi and the Kingdom, though she returns to the capital on special occasions, such as Kal's birthday. Drevalla informs Kal that queen Vrillian wishes to see them both. Upon entering the queens chambers, Kal is introduced to Alexandria, the beautiful new handmaiden to the queen. After this pleasant encounter, Kal then goes to the armory to begin assembling his force to wage battle against the fierce Turnips. [/hider][/center] [Center] (TL;DR: Kal is the main character, and he's the prince that'll one day become king. He just turned 22. He is told to deal with rampaging bandits called Turnips, and decides to get a fighting group together that he'll lead to fight the Turnips. Additionally, a lot of exposition and introduction to new characters happens, and over-all, it's a good start.) [/Center]