"You know, Ace. We've been thinking about your future, discussed about it even." Funny. "There is a school for special people such as you, a place where you could be educated properly with others like you. Maybe it would make you feel comfortable?" Yes, comfortable. That is what this was all about. But not my comfort. "It is a school called Hero School. They would educate you about..about..yourself." Fancy way to say you do not know nor do you care. "E-eh..either way, Maria and I have signed you up and you shall depart in one month." Oh, that's great. "I sincerelly hope that you will have a great time there, few years will pass fast and you can visit us over the weekends should you desire." Oh, fun. Aren't you a real goddamn piece of- "Yes, Mr.Baker." "Hey kid. We're here. 122,90." The taxi driver woke him up. Ace looks up at him slowly and then flashes the most polite of smiles, polite enough to only slightly scare the poor man as he paid for his trip, took his bag and then stepped out of the vehicle. He walks into the schoolyard and pays a little to no mind to others, he just wanted to find some shade. It was really hot in here. He could technically take off his jacket. Could, but would not, instead of that he finds himself a spot near the smallest group of people and takes a seat while rubbing his eyes. What was he even doing here again? Oh, right, his 'parents' were afraid of being killed for having him. Silly people, even if his father would escape again, even if he found them, even if they told him where to find Ace again...He would still kill them. THis changes nothing. What a joke, and not in any way a good one.