Nancy took the offered seat, catching a glimpse of the paper Elizabeth snatched up before tucking it away. [color=Brown]"I understand just not having an appetite. It can be hard to make yourself eat sometimes, even though you know you should."[/color] She pulled the jellybeans out of her pocket, fairly sure that once Lt. Davenport was back from his appointment with Dr. Greene he wouldn't be allowed to eat. Appointments and procedures often resulted in patients being on strict diets as a result of the medication used or newly prescribed, sometimes because fasting blood tests were needed. She would just bring him the jellybeans tomorrow. [color=Brown]"Feel free to take these. Eat them one at a time, and sip some water. It won't fix the nausea, but it should help hold it off."[/color] She held the jellybeans out to Elizabeth. [color=Brown]"We haven't really had a chance to talk. Do you prefer being called Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzie...? Something else?"[/color]