Ashley stared at Jake, cocking her head toward him in case anything else was forthcoming. "So is that a no, or..." But this thought was interrupted by a greeting from behind her. She turned her head to find that a little party had sprung up around them. She didn't know what was more incredible, that guys hair or that girls [i]everything[/i]. Then there was that one guy, sitting on the ground near them. Where had this come from? "Good to meet you Ed." She said, lifting the visor on her helmet to reveal her be-goggled face. "I'm Ashley. I'd shake but, uh," She waved her hands in the air in front of her, shaking off a little cloud of ash that drifted down into the circle at her feet. She hoped nobody walked through that. She should have stood farther back, she decided. "I'm kind of a pigpen. I like your hair." Then she looked and smiled back at the horn girl. "And your, just, everything you've got going on here. Are you guys seniors? You look older." [@Im a huge mess][@FinDragon][@Pineappletumble][@UberBlutwurst]