There was... some disruption, but for the most part they were on their way relatively smoothly afterwards. Makiko kept Yuina as calm as possible, not wanting her friend to be too distressed(and thinking the whole thing is tremendously silly. She's a youkai, after all, comparatively there's just not as much to be scared of there). At least, until the tanuki businessman and his rather nervous assistant stopped them... and the assistant ineffectually turned into a lamp post. By this point, Makiko's patience had been worn quite, quite thin. So thin, in fact, that it had now snapped quite cleanly in two. "We'll hardly be wrecking the place, Tamagi-san," she said, sighing, "Besides, isn't it more important to the tenants to be safe?" She folded her arms. It was true, wasn't it? A little bit of damage was nothing compared to the inhabitants getting word that the building's owner would rather limit property damage then let people go all-out in getting rid of a potentially highly dangerous spirit. She tried not to pay too much attention to the weird, surreal sight of a lamppost with... breasts. That was just strange. Even by the standards of the Imaginary District. She also tried to tune out the ridiculous commentary that was occurring. "There shouldn't be much damage involved, anyway, if we can exorcise it," Makiko continued, "We'll be going now." The building was just ahead, as Makiko made a bid to pass the tanuki. It was a fairly average apartment, nothing seemed to be particularly wrong with it. Only... the girl was certain she saw a face in one window briefly, looking down at them. With long black hair. [hr] As the MYO members and various other hangers-on spoke amongst themselves, there was some commotion from inside the house. The door opened, and out came the little girl they'd all come to see. [url=]The girl was pink-haired, small, and slight. She looked like your average cute little girl, really[/url]. She seemed fully human, insofar as appearances indicated. After a moment's hesitation, she stepped in closer. "Are you here to look for Himeko-chan?" she asked. "I'm Hasegawa Mii, I'm the one who asked for help! I think she got stolen so you need be really fast!" She waved her arms in a not particularly illustrative manner.