[@arca9] Séamus watched as Julian flexed his arms. [colour=darkgreen]"Damn!"[/colour] Séamus gasped, trying to look surprised, [colour=darkgreen]"You're bigger than I expected!"[/colour] As they went around, Séamus made sure to compliment Julian on his lifting techniques, the amount of weight he lifted, and anything else he could think of. [color=8dc73f]"Did you do anything special to get so big? Any special exercises or routines or anything?"[/color] Julian asked, [colour=darkgreen]"It's mainly just because of the literally decades of time I've been putting in, but it's also the vampire blood in me,"[/colour] he told Julian. Suddenly, he thought of an idea that could be to his favour, [colour=darkgreen]"Actually, there's something I could do to help you. It's risky, but if it works, it'll make you blow up with muscle."[/colour]