[right][b]Taris Hyperspeed Lane. Taris System.[/b][/right] With a cool wisp of blues and whites, the Defender, accompanied by several smaller vessels of varying purpose were spat out of lightspeed. The Defender’s hull, ravaged with carbon scorches and breaches revealed tales of a recent skirmish. However, while the sight of such devastation looked grim, in reality most of it was merely cosmetic and didn’t impede the ship or its crew to any great extent. – For now. On the bridge a man wearing the purest white uniform that made snow grey in comparison stood at the main view screen, staring at the distant orb that grew only in millimetres with every passing second. [color=fff200]“Sir! We’ve entered the Taris System.”[/color] Called an officer whose face was hidden behind an operator’s terminal, not even looking up to view the person he was speaking to. [color=ed1c24]“Very good.” [/color]The man in white said, his eyes fixed to Taris. [color=ed1c24]“Give me a situation update.” [/color] [color=fff200] “Yes, sir.”[/color] The officer responded, taking a moment to full read his display.[color=fff200] “It seems that our last encounter with rebel forces has caused minor damages to our life support systems. While not an immediate urgency, I do recommend we seek repairs as soon as it is viable to do so.” [/color] [color=ed1c24]“And what of the planet and other Imperial forces?”[/color] [color=fff200]“Unknown, I’m trying to hail them now.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Very good, take us down into low atmosphere. It’ll be easier to repair life support while we’re not relying on it.”[/color] [right] [b] Taris Skyline. Taris Population Centre Seven.[/b][/right] A shadow casted over the tall skyscrapers of the population centre, the clouds parted and in their wake rested the open hanger entrance of the Defender. Those below looked up in both awe and horror as they feared bombardment from the turbolasers or the bombers that laid dormant. After some time, it was clear that the ship had no ill intentions of the city or its residents below. [color=fff200]“Captain Knight, we have reached low orbit.”[/color] The officer cried. [color=ed1c24]“Very good, launch all TIEs on defensive duty, put a show on for the locals. Let them know we’re not here to subjugate them.”[/color] Knight ordered. [color=ed1c24]“Now get those repairs underway and request both Imperial and local support to refill our provisions and resources. Also all non-essential personnel are to be given shore-leave. Let them breathe real air for a while.” [/color] As soon as the orders were given, an estimated fifteen TIE fighters left the three hanger bays and begun to swarm around the Defender and nearby areas, some performing manoeuvres and showing the local population as to how skilled the pilots were, but mainly to show that they meant no harm.