[center][h1][color=007236]Thomas Greene[/color][/h1][/center] The doctor looked down at the man sitting in the chair before him and shook his head softly. [color=007236]“You suffer from PTSD, correct?”[/color] The man nodded, but said nothing. [color=007236]“You served seven tours with the US military?”[/color] Again the man nodded, but remained silent. [color=007236]“Do you have any family, relatives, wife, children, close friends?”[/color] Dr. Greene was fishing for anything at this point. The man before him, Lt. Davenport, was an excellent sniper for the military when he served and retired with several medals and awards. Davenport shook his head. [color=007236]“No family at all?”[/color] Dr. Greene asked quietly and perched on the edge of his desk, studying the man sitting in front of him. Davenport again shook his head. A smile smirk broke across the doctor’s face and he clapped his hands together. “[color=007236]Alright. I’m going to prescribe you some different medications and try a new and revolutionary treatment for PTSD for you. First thing tomorrow morning, the nurses will have your new medications and you will need to go to the hospital wing to get a full blood panel work up. I will send the orders over now. You may go.”[/color] Doctor Greene waved the man away and smiled as the heavy wooden doors closed behind him. He seemed to be the perfect candidate for testing the serum for night vision and overall inhuman eyesight. As soon as the labs came back he would start experimenting. With skilled fingers, he pressed the intercom button and made an announcement throughout the entire hospital. [color=007236]“All nurses and other medical personnel meet in my office at 6pm tonight. That is in 5 hours in case you don’t have a watch. Thank you.”[/color] [hr] [center][h1][color=0076a3]Jocylin Redford[/color][/h1][/center] Jo kicked the toe of her white shoe against the white and blue tiles on the floor as she walked down the hallways. She nodded as she passed a few nurses and a guard. She wasn’t much to be social with them because she would just as soon put a blade through some of them than she would talk to them. She watched the dog, Ichi, cock its head to the side as one of the patients scratched behind his ear. Her eyes searched the man’s that actually owned Ichi and determined that he wasn’t a threat for the time being. As she walked by, she nodded at them both. She couldn’t remember the patient’s name, but she remembered that Joshua owned the dog. [color=0076a3]“Being a good boy today, I see,”[/color] she joked lightly as Ichi wagged his tail from the affection. Pausing momentarily to listen to the announcement from the good doctor, she shook her head again. [color=0076a3]“More good news for us, then,”[/color] she said and rolled her eyes. Jo knew that whenever Doctor Greene called for a meeting, the next few days were never good.