Xander perked up to listen to the call over the loud speaker. [i]Another meeting for the staff huh? Probably talking about how to spice up the dinning facility! Oh boy[/i] he chuckled to himself as he noticed Jo. [color=f26522]"A fellow dog lover I see? Ichi is definitely the most underpaid staff member in this whole facility I would say!"[/color] saying as he grinning at the dog, [color=f26522]"Aren't you boy? You wanna get a raise don't you? That's right a solid 2 treats an hour would make you work harder huh?"[/color] He had noticed Jo walk the halls before. Never really gotten a chance to talk to her but would always notice her observing the asylum and things going on. [color=f26522]"I don't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you yet?"[/color] Motioning to Jo, [color=f26522]"I'm Xander, but buds like Joshua here call me "People I wish I could be someday"."[/color] [@unfallenangel]