[i]Some time after breakfast[/i] "Hm, okay." Elizabeth took a couple of the jellybeans offered to her and looked them over before biting into the one that was a bright shade of green. She always enjoyed lemon-lime/citrus flavored candies, ever since childhood. "Not bad," she added before taking a sip of water. "And you can call me Liz, if you'd like. Trust me, I prefer it to being called Ms. Kelton 90% of the time. Everyone around here is so formal to each other, or rather, they do a good job of portraying it as such." Elizabeth then proceeded to eat the yellow jellybean with a smile on her face. Even if it was only for a few minutes, she was enjoying the company of someone who legitimately cared about her. "So do you mind if I call you Nancy? I mean, when we're not surrounded by the white-beards." [@Inda]