Nancy watched Liz slowly eating the jellybeans, biting in to one at a time. It made her smile. Pretty much everyone else, including she herself, ate jellybeans several at a time. Sometimes by the handful. [color=Brown]"I would be honored if you called me Nancy. So what-"[/color] She was interrupted by the loudspeaker. [color=007236]“All nurses and other medical personnel meet in my office at 6pm tonight. That is in 5 hours in case you don’t have a watch. Thank you.”[/color] Nancy stood quickly, regretting it when her back protested and she gave a slight forward jerk. It was already 1pm! [color=Brown]"Wow! Ok, I had no idea it was that late. I'm sorry to cut this short, but I've got some other things I have to do before that meeting."[/color] She was a little annoyed. She worked earlier in the day. By four or five she was supposed to be off and in her apartments in the west wing of Stillwater. This meeting meant that she would have to assist with dinner instead of wrapping her shift up so the entire staff would be ready for the meeting and not dealing with feeding everyone, that her day was going to be extended for the meeting and however long it took, and that she would still have to be up early for her shift tomorrow. There was no way she was getting through this day without a pain killer. Her back was hurting even more than it was earlier. [color=Brown]"How about tomorrow night you come to the game room around 8? We can continue chatting. I should be done playing checkers with Lt. Davenport by then."[/color] [@Xandrya]