[@Fantasychic][center][color=C80027][b][h3]Lorenzo[/h3][/b][/color] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/00466e3de6e96d24ffb5843a9a2c98b1.png[/img][/center] [color=C80027]"Halt!"[/color] Lorenzo barked at the last student before you. He thouroughly and systematically shook down the girl's bag and then turned an angry eye upon her. [color=C80027]"This,"[/color] he said, holding up some seemingly-innocent piece of paper. [color=C80027]"is contraband. I have a no nonsense policy for troublemakers like you. You can spend your first night in the [i]dungeon.[/i]"[/color] the paper shimmered in the light for a moment as the girl burst into tears. "It's just my notes, I haven't heard of a student getting thrown in the dunge-" she started to protest. [color=C80027]"Guard Thomas! Take this girl to a cell so she learns what it means to be a Student of the Spire."[/color] he snapped his attention back to the girl as she was escorted away, [color=C80027]"Rules exist for a reason. This isn't a joke. The discipline and training you will get here could very well save your life on a field. Don't think because it's your first day you get to be swaddled - I expect EVERY student here to act as if they were already Proven."[/color] [color=lightpink]"Hello sir. Tryll Lumiere of the Augmenters, here for initiation. I trust this can go quickly, I'd rather not be out and about in this crowd for long."[/color] He faces you and looks you up and down, clearly noting you stepping forward in the line. Perhaps if he was capable of smiling he would have done so, but as it was it seemed the only expressions he bothered to muster were a stern look or diabolical anger. He takes a step towards you, ignoring any sense of personal space a normal human might have. [color=C80027]"Finally, some initiative! Always happy to add another Heart to the ranks. Particularly one of your courage, girl. I can tell from your armour you won't cower from battle."[/color] He'd already taken ahold of your bag as he was speaking and was rifling through it. [color=C80027]"This is what I like to see. No contraband, nice strong set of items that'll do you well out in the field."[/color] He snatches your documents, muttering about how the spire lets too many filthy diamonds into the ranks, terribly suspicious lot if you ask him, and next thing you know is he's grabbed your hand and slammed his fist down, hard, into the back of your hand. Well - it seemed like he was trying to be delicate and hadn't quite managed it, at least. You look down to see you have been stamped with the seal of In Training Students. Luckily there's no bruise, but it certainly smarts. He shoves a collection of documents into your hand and stands to attention. [color=C80027]"Welcome to the team, Miss Lumiere. I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress during the term."[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BP78D5H.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=A625E7][b]Something in the Fates has changed...[/b][/color][/h3] [sub][i]This will have an effect on the game world, but it is unclear to you currently.[/i][/sub].[/center] [hr][hr][hr] [@Duskshine749] The Steward seems relatively efficient at their job and goes through your items and documents without talking about it much. It seems all is well, and they stamp your hand with the symbol of the In Training Students. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BP78D5H.png[/img][/center] You make your way through inspection, reading your dorm slip, when suddenly the Steward finally pipes up from behind you: "[i]Your Mind Serum is an Initiate Level Trinket and inappropriate for In Training Students[/i]," she said bluntly. "[i]As it's your first day I'll let you off this once. I don't want to find it on you again[/i]."