I'm seeing good characters from [@BKburke] and [@Lucius Cypher]! Both are accepted! Feel free to drop your respectable character into the "Character" Tab whenever you two get a free moment. [quote=@Jensoman] I know his clothing isn't exactly uh...medieval, but I can come up with another outfit if need be. I can probably always post at least once a day if I'm accepted, but more then once might prove difficult since I have a full-time job :/ [/quote] That's fine, we can pretend it's medieval. As for your comment regarding when you can post: don't stress about it. I made this Roleplay to ease into the school year myself and my last wish is for anyone to become worried about it (hence why I dropped it in Free). Post whenever you are free and don't stress yourself out over it. Aside from that, your character looks good and is accepted. Drop him into the "Character" Tab whenever you get a moment.