[@Gentlemanvaultboy] Oh good. He had been heard. Jeez, though, this guy was loud. He hadn't expected to be able to hear him back. Then again, he looked a little...off, to say the least. People who noticed the blue eyes and blue slime gave him crap, but that was nothing next to the look this guy sported. Briefly, Sammy wondered if blue was just magical. Then again, Pyro didn't exactly have blue fire. Nevermind. That theory lasted all of three seconds. Oh well. "No idea! Trying to get her attention, but you scared everyone off!" Of course, had his mood been a bit better, he would have to admit it wasn't like his plan was working anyways. He was causing some trouble, yes, but he was facing some pretty stiff competition too. There were probably bigger things for the cops and Pyro and Witch to deal with than just knocking people to the ground. It was the one thing Sammy heard over and over again: he just wasn't really a danger. He couldn't kill people with his powers, and he knew when a joke was likely to turn deadly. Those jokes weren't fun, so he didn't go out of his way to try them. "But you're not one of them, right?" Probably proven by the fact he had yet to be blasted from the rooftop. Guy seemed reasonable enough.