[center][h3][i]~Always Open to New Players~[/i][img]http://i.imgur.com/Sr9gqut.jpg[/img] You are a [b]GOD[/b] dictating the lives of the [b]PUNY MORTALS[/b]. You should probably [b]HELP THEM NOT DIE,[/b] or something.[/h3][/center] [hider=Actions]Each post pick one character to do a thing. Examples of things characters can do (purely for guidance, you can do whatever): > Explore > Forage > Scavenge > Make > Breed (locked action, see points) > Build > Help > Attack > Flee > Research > Train > Talk with > Kidnap > Heal > Perform You may also name somewhere/someone if it hasn't been named already, as a free action as well as your normal action. Characters will do most things, but sometimes act unexpectedly e.g. if they are unskilled, going crazy, horribly injured, think it's stupid. [/hider] [hider=Points] You get 1 point per post. You can spend Points on bonus stuff to make your life easier. Spending your points removes them from your pool. You may request something to go up into the Point system if it tickles your fancy. (e.g 1 Point: Give random animal a fabulous pink moustache) 3 Points = Spawn random reagent/component/material. 5 Points = use breed action between characters. 5 Points = Force a child to grow up prematurely. 5 Points = Cure a Light Wound. 10 Points = Spawn a new human PC. (see form below) 10 Points = Turn a Moderate Wound into a Light Wound. 12 Points = Spawn a random animal 14 Points = Cure a Moderate Wound 15 Points: Turn a Severe Wound into a Moderate Wound. 15 Points: Spawn Traders. 16 Points = Found a new Clan. 20 Points = Spawn a new non-human PC. (see form below) 20 Points = Spawn a new NPC (includes animals, humans, ect) 25 Points: Cure a Severe Wound. 25 Points: Purchase a tech-level-appropriate technology (characters in the caveman era cannot build rocket ships) 30 Points: Become a worshippable Diety, you crazy madman. 50 Points: Revive a character [hider=Spawn human PC Form] Name: Gender: Age: Baby/Child/Adult Skin Colour: Build: Hair Colour / Hair Length: Eye Colour: Clothing Type Preference?: optional, might ignore. Likes: One Dislikes: One Skills: One[/hider] [hider=Spawn Other PC Form] Name: Gender: Race: Age: Baby/Child/Adult Skin Colour: Build: Hair Colour / Hair Length: Eye Colour: Clothing Type Preference?: optional, might ignore. Other Appearance Details: Likes: One Dislikes: One Skills: One[/hider] [/hider] [center][h3]CURRENT CHARACTERS OF THE AWESOME ONES[/h3] [hider=Porkchop] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KZV46d7.png[/img] MISSING IN ACTION; MODERATELY WOUNDED. CANNOT BE CONTROLLED RIGHT NOW. [i]He has two large hoof marks on his chest.[/i] [b]NAME:[/b] Porkchop [b]LIKES:[/b] HUNTING [b]HATES:[/b] SOCIAL [b]ITEMS:[/b] [indent]Angry Pointy Spear Thing. It is awful quality.[/indent] [b]SKILLS:[/b] +2 HP (From being beaten up alot - next lvl: 0/5) 3 / 5 XP Combat 2 / 5 XP Sneaking 2 / 5 XP in Exploration 1 / 5 Xp Crafting 1 / 5 XP Breeding[/hider] [hider=Woman Torchbearer] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XOjsMnj.png[/img] NAME: WOMAN TORCHBEARER [b]Woman Torchbearer is a Pyromaniac.[/b] LIKES: FIRE HATES: MINING SKILLS: +1 SASS Lvl 1 Firemaking: 5/7 XP Lvl 1 Exploration 0/7 XP 2/5 XP Cooking 1/5 XP Singing 2/5 XP Crafting 2/5 XP Foraging 4/5 Xp Farming 1/5 XP Religion 1/5 XP Fishing[/hider] [hider=Wiseau the Wise One] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1bs3tU4.png[/img] [b]NAME:[/b] Wiseau the Wise One, PRIESTESS OF THE LORD OF FLIES [b]LIKES: [/b]LEARNING [b]HATES:[/b] HUNTING [b]FEARS:[/b] BIRDS [b]Abilities:[/b] The power of Flight Eating Rotten Food without penalty // some foods unfit for human consumption +30% Dodge Chance [b]SKILLS:[/b] +1 VS Madness -3 Social/ +3 Social Insectoids 2/3 XP towards next HP Point (from being beaten up alot) Level 1 Social: 2/10 XP towards next level 1/5 Breeding 2/5 XP Exploration 3/5 XP Religion: (Specifically: Lord of Flies) 1/5 XP Knives 1/5 XP Stabbing 1/5 XP CRAFTING 2/5 XP Tailoring 2/5 XP Farming 1/5 XP Trading 1/3 XP Smashing Leshen Language: 2/5 xp [/hider] [hider=Ug the Fabulous] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vGXVGA8.png[/img] [b]NAME:[/b] Ug the Fabulous [b]LIKES:[/b] BEING FABULOUS [b]HATES:[/b] FIGHTING [b]SKILLS:[/b] +1 HP / 0/5 XP till next Point CRYING LIKE A BABY BEHIND A TREE Lvl 1 FABULOUS: 5/10 XP LVL 1 Foraging: 0/7 XP Lvl 1 Social: 0/7 XP Exploration: 2/5 XP Firemaking: 1/5 XP Dancing: 3/5 XP Breeding: 3/5 XP Mining: 1/5 XP Crafting: 1/5 XP Taming: 1/5 XP Hunting: 1/7 XP[/list][/hider] [hider=Tom the Mute] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ibsp1Uz.png[/img] Tom is mute and cannot speak. [b]NAME:[/b] Tom the Mute [b]LIKES:[/b] Meat [b]HATES:[/b] Animals [b]ITEMS:[/b] None [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]SKILLS:[/b] He is intimidating. He gets +1 to combat, +2 to fear-based social interactions and -2 to pleasant social interactions. Lvl 1 Construction 0/7 XP to next level. 2/5 XP Exploration 1/7 XP Fabulous 2/5 XP Taming [/hider] [hider=Goku] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GkBWXtb.png[/img] Goku is a CHILD and cannot do some activities. [b]NAME:[/b] Goku [b]LIKES:[/b] Dead flesh [b]HATES:[/b] Rain [b]ITEMS:[/b] None [b]Abilities:[/b] The power of Flight Eating Rotten Food without penalty // some foods unfit for human consumption Lvl 1 Swarm Powers 0/7 XP to next level [b]SKILLS:[/b] -2 Social/ +3 Social Insectoids Crafting: 2/5 XP Social: 3/5 XP Exploration (inherited): 3/5 XP Gardening: 2/5 XP [/hider] [b]MAP[/b] [hider=Map] YOU DON'T GET A MAP UNTIL THE CLAN DISCOVERS CARTOGRAPHY. [b]DISCOVERIES[/b] [b]Camp:[/b] This is supposedly the SAFEST PLACE, despite the fact it has no WALLS, FORTIFICATIONS, TRAPS or ANY SORT OF PROTECTION, REALLY. Currently there are a few STURDY SHACKS and a place to COOK. [b]PLAINS:[/b] There is little COVER here, but ANIMALS tend to GRAZE here. There were a few RABBIT HOLES and some MYSTERIOUS PLANTS growing in the sun. You can hear RUNNING WATER NEARBY. This is not FAR from CAMP. [b]TEMPERATE PLAINS[/b]: A HERD of HORSES call this place home. There are some MORE DANGEROUS PREDATORS that hang around here. The area is littered with FLINT and ROCKS that could be USEFUL. This is half a morning's journey from CAMP. [b]RIVERSIDE:[/b]A river once ran through here, but it has since dried up. This FERTILE LAND is currently experiencing a FIRE that is slowly ramping up to become a RAGING INFERNO. [b]METEOR POOL:[/b] A RIVER once ran through here, but a mysterious and sudden METEOR fell from the sky, squashing a nearby WOLF DEN and BURYING some ORE. Despite this, there are a number of RASPBERRY BUSHES, a couple of TREES, and a WARM POOL here. It has a nice VIEW and is GENERALLY SAFE. [b]FOREST:[/b] There are TREES all around here. A selection of ROOTS snake across the FOREST FLOOR along with VINES and SHRUBBERY. This is a good place to find FIREWOOD and various ORGANIC items. The LESHIN travelled from this way. [b]LOW HILLS:[/b] A favourite gathering for ANIMALS, it is LUSH with PLANTS and SHRUBBERY. There is a CAVE in the hillside as well as a selection of BUSHES, a few MUSHROOMS and VARIOUS PLANTS that could be USEFUL. Many WANDERING ANIMALS drift by here from time to time. [b]Highlands:[/b] A favourite place for SHEEP TO GATHER. There are several BOULDERS jutting out of the hillside. It is quite COOL here but near CAMP. [/hider] [b]TECHNOLOGY:[/b] [hider=TECHNOLOGY] The Awesome Ones are basically PREHISTORIC and KNOWS ALMOST NOTHING. [b]Fire:[/b] Fire is burny and makes dark go bye bye. [b]Basic Fertiliser:[/b] Placing orange rinds on crops will help them grow. 1/7 XP ???? (something to do with RAIN DANCING.) 3/5 XP ???? (something to do with DANCING IN A RELIGIOUS MANNER.) 1/10 XP ???? (something to do with LIGHT.) 2/7 XP towards ????? (Something to do with PLANTS) [b]GOKU gains 1 XP towards ????? (?????) [/b] [/hider] [b]PLAYER Points[/b] [hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 15 Dinh AaronMk: 3 DeadBeatWalking: 6 Eklispe: 8 RedDusk: 6 Brasslazer: 11 Ashevelendar: 4 Vesuvius00: 6 Framing A Moose: 9 Rain: 2 Chapatrap: 2[/hider] [hider=Relations] The Awesome Ones: +1 Leshen +4 Lord of Flies[/hider] [/center]