[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IE5mDty.jpg[/img] UG THE FABULOUS is feeling particularly FABULOUS TODAY. He decides to MAJESTICALLY CLIMB A TREE in search of food. He recovers [b]4 GIANT ORANGES[/b] for the tribe. Ug: +1 XP Foraging[/center] [b]Camp Information[/b] [hider=Camp Information] It is MORNING. The temperature is WARM. The weather is SUNNY. have set up their home in a NICE CLEARING. [b]Inventory:[/b] 2 Shacks [4/4 Population] 4 Giant Oranges (8 Potions) 5 Sticks 3 Flint Unlit Camp Fire[/hider] [hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 1[/hider]