[quote=@FantasyChic] [@MauveMarauder] I basically google search exactly what I want. Like for this, I googled Blonde teenager and (with safe search on) found a smorgasbord of pics to choose from. so if you want a guy with pink dreadlocks, just search for it. I also peruse DeviantArt, but that has questionable pictures. [/quote] I actually work in reverse - the image comes first for me, rather than looking for something specific. The first thing I consider with a character made for an RP like this one is the power. Some people will argue that the character is the important part and that the power ought to be secondary, but for me it's the power that inspires the rest of the character. After that, I'll just keep the power in mind whilst I'm looking through images. I will usually begin by looking at fashion websites and browsing through the editorials, as they are a goldmine for interesting-looking models who aren't famous enough to taint the character. Usually the second I see the 'right' person, I know instantly that it is them. I'll then search on Google for more images of the same model until I find the one I like most. Once I've got the image, everything else stems from there: I get a natural sense of what my character's personality is like by drawing upon the image and powerset I've chosen. I didn't want to be as obvious as giving Aiden a fiery and destructive personality, so instead I made him bright and warm - with the threat of exploding. Once you know how somebody acts and thinks, you can quite easily begin to imagine what their backstory is by thinking about what experiences have made them the way they are. And before you know it, you have a character.