[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjkxMGQwZS5VMlYwYzNWeVlTQkxZWGRoYzJGcmFRLCwuMAAA/endor.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@Jedly] All hilarious moments aside, she couldn't have expected for a girl of Anastasias character to simply pop right next to her without noticing. Creepy was a better way to put it as no one had ever managed to sneak up on a vixen such as her. Her ears quickly perked up in response to the voice behind her, or rather right next to her. She almost instinctively forced out her tails but managed to keep said instinct at bay. Nudging her head to see the small girl standing right next to her, eyeing the MYO people was rather... odd. All kinds of questions sprang into her mind; [i]"Who is she?" - "What is she doing here?"[/i] But the most that perplexed her was the fact that she had not noticed even a bit of her until she was right next to her. Her face sort of had that look to it, with its own bemused expression. Though seeing as the lass did nothing more than stare at the rest of the group down the road, she sighed of slight relief and went back into staring at said antics. [color=9e0b0f]"I was THIS close in attempting to smack your sudden appearance to a wall.[/color] Taken aback and not even slightly so, as Anastasia basically had succeeded in making Setsura put her guard up for nearly no reason at all. [color=9e0b0f]"The adventures of these young'uns amuses me to no end, so I merely follow them around in a daze."[/color] Following the surprise of Anastasia, another one decided to come and creep up on the whole of MYO. The brazenly obnoxious tanuki with his fancy car, Tamagi. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh deary me... I hope he doesn't realize I'm here. I might pop a nerve or two if he simply even sees me."[/color] She implies jokingly, as the tanuki did have patience worthy of some praise. But not enough to call good. She moves her fingers on her mouth to hide her sly grin, just in case. [color=9e0b0f]"Or perhaps he's learned?"[/color] But seeing his assistant go into such a panic and turning into... whatever that signpost was, made her think otherwise. Badly enough to make it incredibly hard to keep her own laughter in. And thankfully it didn't take long for Tamagi to leave as he had finished his business concerning the so-called "well-being". [color=9e0b0f]"If that accounts as 'well-being' then I might as well fill my pockets with gold and call it my happiness."[/color] Not a moment too soon, as she held her hand over her mouth now to cover the light chuckling that escaped it. And... after finishing after a whole half a minute, she'd finally calm down. Her normal demeanor and expression returning back. [color=9e0b0f]"So who might you be?"[/color]