For near five minutes after Boggs left to wake the camp, Will did nothing but stare at Jon. It was clear that his mind was racing, trying to think of some way out, some way to clean his hands of this mess that others had made. But, as the minutes passed- That intense, gray stare practically as sharp as the arrows at his waist- he seemed to settle on a decision. Just moments before Daniel burst into the nearby clearing to alert the others of the group, Will gave an irritated snap of his teeth, just inches from Jon's face. A growl rumbled in his throat, edging his words with begrudging acceptance. "[color=00a651]Don't like this. People are -stupid-. Bring rotten ones and violent ones and can't function! But -you-.[/color]" He reached up to poke Jon firmly in the chest. He was obviously not threatening the older man anymore- Simply venting frustration. "[color=00a651]-You- are smart. Makes you dangerous. Might leave the innocent behind to survive. Will knows this place- Knows of a safe place nearby. One day, if they keep up. No breaks. Will show the pack the way, will help with the hurt ones. But Jon will pay for every life lost on the way- Will doesn't even have to do a thing.[/color]" He tapped the side of his head, glaring at Jon. "[color=00a651]The Jon will do it to himself. Maybe then, he could be trusted. People who smell like you are never good people. Never. Guilt will fix you.[/color]" Despite making next to zero sense in pretty much everything he said, the kid put out a disturbing amount of confidence in his words- As if he were absolutely certain that every last one of them was the truth. For the first time in days, weeks--well, months actually, Jon was amused. Well, not amused, interested. He could tell that this kid, Will, he could potentially be an asset. Jon was not a fool though, and realized that he was equally likely to run off into the night at any moment. In those same few moments that Will was thinking whatever he was thinking, Jon too was thinking. He could hear activity behind him as the group was roused and decided that very soon, they'd have to move. In his mind, they still had an hour or so before they needed to move and stay a fair distance ahead of the horde. That idea was shattered when the sentry burst into the group's clearing and broke the bad news. He hadn't heard Will even talking until the finger to his chest snapped him back to reality. When the boy finished his feral tirade, Jon stared back at him, his face flat and showing no emotion. "[color=0072bc][b]Guilt won't fix a guy like me. And, if I wasn't dangerous and didn't already know people would be lost along the way...Will, none of them would be alive, none would have made it this far.[/b][/color]" Jon mulled over the thought of guilt for a moment. Be it his training, his life, his intelligence, or a cominbation of all those and more, guilt was something he understood but did not really feel. It was like teaching a young child that 2 plus 2 equals for. You could ask them what 2 plus 2 was, and they'd say four, but they weren't grasping at what it meant, as simple as it was. Not until later did they understand about two objects being added to another two objects made a group of four objects. Jon didn't feel guilt, but he did feel need. He knew they needed to move, and move fast. "[b][color=0072bc]Figure out where we need to go, I'm gunna help them get ready.[/color][/b]" Jon turned his back to Will and made his way back towards the group, seeing that Austin had already started to help the group get ready to move. By the time Jon spoke up to tell Will to find the way, the boy was already moving. He slung his bow over his shoulders with a deft motion, looking up towards the trees. Crouching down, he picked a branch and sprung upwards, rapidly vanishing into the branches- With only the occasional scrape of a shoe on bark or the rustle of leaves to let Jon know he was still climbing. He obviously wasn't abandoning them- Not after the tyrade he'd just gone through. But, he probably sought to scout out a path from higher ground- Or at least judge how far the encroaching horde really was. Once out of sight and high in the branches, Will shuffled towards the end of a particularly sturdy branch just above the general treeline, leaning out to peer first to the south. He narrowed his eyes, frowning and shaking his head. The foliage made it impossible to count them body by body, but it was clear to see movement, early morning light offering just enough to see the shambling, shifting shapes beneath the trees. There were so many... Horde was definitely the proper word. And all drawn by that damn crash, the smell of blood and fear that these people left behind them. He was about to turn to the North, to find an acceptable path for the less fit of the group, when he caught it out of the corner of his eyes. A much smaller group- No more than five or six, and they moved -fast-. Faster than the average rotten one by far, and with more drive. An animal intelligence. Irritably, Will snapped his teeth and looked North, gaze flicking rapidly from place to place. They had to hurry... He'd seen these ones before- The screeching, clawing, running rotten ones. Like wolves, they hunted in small packs, and they hunted their prey far outside of reason, driven by the primal need to feed. His legs ached just thinking about it... Still, they weren't exactly dexterous. They couldn't climb, couldn't jump very well or far... And with no recent rainfall, the streams would be low in their ravines. If they moved quickly, they could leave behind the sprinting corpses in a steep gorge just a short ways to the east, before turning North for the "Winona" place. A cluster of shelters.... Homes. With a definitive nod, he dropped down from branch to branch until he landed lightly on the forest floor, running towards the clearing.