I decided to play as one of my most favorite characters from one of my most favorite RPGs. He's a little silly, but I like his characterization! [hider=Harvey Alibastor][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PiIKDYu.jpg[/img][/center] [color=salmon][h3][center][b][i]"It was nice working with you, pal. But justice needs to be served."[/i][/b][/center][/h3][/color] [i][b]Name[/b][/i]: Harvey Alibastor [i][b]Age[/b][/i]: ~8 years [i][b]Gender[/b][/i]: Male [i][b]Originates From[/b][/i]: LISA: The Painful RPG [i][b]Personality[/b][/i]: Harvey has a malicious streak a mile long, kept in check only by his sworn oath to uphold the law. His inborne hatred of humans often leads to him deliberately misrepresenting them in court, but this will not stop him from helping those in need. [hider=Items They Are Carrying] [b]Dandy Boy[/b]: A powerful gun... for weak men. This submachine gun sprays hot death without ever needing to reload, but is wildly inaccurate. [b]Mid-Life Crisis Hat[/b]: This really... STOPS attacks. It's something we all go through at some time. A ratty but stylish hat with a red band and a wide brim. Barely protects against the cold, let alone bullets. [b]Metal Shield[/b]: A STOP sign with most of the jagged metal removed from the backside and replaced with a ratty leather strap. It's not very protective or comfortable to use. [b]Harvey's Magic Briefcase[/b]: The mark of a genuine lawyer, this toaster-sized briefcase carries an infinite supply of pre-written, magical paperwork. The arcane jargon scrawled all over this mountain of documents has a number of mysterious effects on whoever it touches. The paper it's written on is razor-sharp and impossibly aerodynamic, too. [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [b]Water Gun[/b]: Harvey is part-archerfish on his father's side, and can spit water with enough force to cause heavy bruising and break bones. Harvey can freely alter the pressure of his water gun, ranging from what it normally is to a refreshing mist of cold saliva. [b]Slander[/b]: Harvey can sling fistfuls of insulting letters at his enemy, both infuriating them and causing nasty papercuts. [b]Wrongful Accusation[/b]: Harvey can pass out impossibly convincing and impossibly sharp legal documents accusing his target of heinous acts they did not and possibly [i]could not[/i] do. This leads to much confusion and blood loss. [b]Restraining Order[/b]: Harvey can slap his target with a legally-binding restraining order, forcing them to hesitate when they next attack him. Inexplicably works even on creatures that have no concept of law or morality. [b]Legal Jargon[/b]: The most mysterious of all of Harvey's paperwork, Harvey can throw documents loaded with information so irrelevant and boring that it magically saps the strength of whoever touches it. Causes heavy fatigue and deep papercuts. [/hider] [hider=Bio] Several years before Harvey was born, the human race lost its women. Nobody knows who or what took them, only that they disappeared in a literal flash. Civilization devolved into violent tribalism almost immediately, with many people resorting to rampant drug abuse, sexual deviance, and mass-murder to stave off depression. Under mysterious and probably scientific circumstances, a new race of sapient creatures arose: the secretive Fish-People. Harvey, obviously, is one of them. Though he was born a Fish-Person, Harvey was raised by humans, and even managed to find education as a lawyer. Of course, law school doesn't truly exist in the post-gynocalypse, and Harvey's law degree is mostly just bunk written on the backside of a porno mag, but that hasn't stopped him from acting like a lawyer at all times. Bored out of his mind from managing petty human cases, Harvey retired to a secret village of Fish-People hidden deep within the swamps of Olathe, his home country. It was there that he met the man who would change his life, Bradley "Brad" Armstrong. Brad had run into some trouble with the Fish-People, having stolen their sacred map of Garbage Island, and Harvey took it upon himself to defend him in court. Brad certainly didn't help things, loudly stating that he wanted to have raunchy fish-sex with the judge's wife. Or, at least, that's what Harvey [i]said[/i] Bradley wanted to do to the judge. The fact that neither Brad nor Harvey could speak Fish-Person didn't help matters much. However, thanks to Harvey's legal genius, Brad was let off the hook, and graciously allowed Harvey to join his gang in the search for Brad's daughter, the last female human on Earth. Adventuring with Brad was quite difficult. They were up against the biggest, baddest gangs around. Han Tsunami and the Bathhouse Boys, Buffalo Van Dyke and his football team, the Bloodmoon Mountain Amerindians, Hawk Hollywood and his actors, the Eternal Wrestling Championship, the Gale Motorcycle Club, man-eating Joy Mutants, and even the all-powerful Rando Army. Many lives were lost, and some of them were from Brad's gang. Things took a turn for the worst when Brad managed to cobble together a boat to Deserted Island, where his daughter had fled. Instead of allowing his gang to follow him, Brad took the boat himself, leaving Harvey and the rest of the gang behind. Brad's betrayal shook the gang to the core, and only three people, Harvey included, were loyal enough to cobble together their own boat and follow him. When they met up with Brad again, they had discovered his true motives for finding his daughter. Instead of wanting to use her to give even a slight glimmer of hope for the human race, Brad wanted to lock her back in his basement for the rest of her life, forever safe from anything that might hurt her. At least, safe from anything that wasn't Brad. Infuriated and offended, Harvey joined his two remaining comrades and desperately tried to stop Brad from forcing his daughter back into a life of isolation. Shortly thereafter, Harvey died. [/hider] [i][b]Fun Facts[/b][/i]: Harvey's favorite food is "Green Paste", a Fish-Person delicacy made of mostly organic ingredients.[/hider]