[h2]Sasaki Kirima - Killing Me Softly[/h2] Sitting around a long table, listening to a speaker's presentation was, for all their feigned excitement and statistical backing, droll and soul-destroying - in other words, it was your usual business meeting. Unfortunately, this type of thing was to be expected in his line of work. Though on paper he was a researcher, at this point in time he was little more than a glorified secretary, propelled above - yet still somehow [i]below[/i] - his station through his contacts. At least it paid well. The giant's eyes stayed planted on the front of the room, but his mind began to wander. He wondered how long this meeting would take. He wondered what he'd make for dinner tonight. And finally, he wondered how those two kids were doing at university. They weren't exactly social butterflies by any meaning of the term, but he had faith in them and their ability to make lasting bonds. Or at the very least, not completely breakdown without his supervision (though that was a problem moreso for one than the other). He looked down to the phone on his thigh, tempted to inquire about how things had progressed so far. He clicked it on before noting that it hadn't been all that long since their classes were supposed to have started. He closed his phone and briefly considered that he might be worrying a bit [i]too[/i] much... Suddenly, a notification. [i]'So she's finished already,'[/i] the Sasaki thought, [i]'Though considering the time zones, I shouldn't be too surprised...'[/i] He reached for his phone and brought it up to the table. At this point he'd eliminated all pretenses of paying attention; fortunately, nobody would really care. It's not as if they'd thought highly of someone like him before. He skimmed through the mission report. Though the mission was a success, it was definitely a Tsurara-brand success: showy, messy, and with lots of extraneous action. The Tsurara girl was a like a wrecking ball compared to the surgical scalpel of his main operative. But wrecking balls had their place; you don't use a scalpel when you want to take down a building after all. He sent a text to Adam Pride: [quote=Sasaki]K[/quote] [h2]Mika Alkaev - Disheartened[/h2] "..." Mika stared into space for a few moments, his mind processing Aria's statements and her reactions again and again and again AND AGAIN. He was not having a good time, and it was pretty clear by the slight trembling. After a few awkward moments he took a breath and spoke: "Oh. Ok." He was thinking about what else to say before their teacher descended from the heavens to stop a fight from erupting between two students - the playdough guy and an Institute girl. His lips became a hard line as Professor Namashiya gave her instructions for the rest of the day and absconded. [i]'First things first, I'd better pick up the uniform,'[/i] Mika decided, detaching himself from the current situation with Aria and heading to the classroom. He arrived first with little difficulty and began inspecting the uniform. It reminded him of a different uniform, but the color wasn't really his style. It reminded him a bit [i]too[/i] much of his time in Seneca. Ignoring those lingering thoughts, he peeked out the doorways and out the windows before quickly dressing up.