[quote=@BringBack1996] O-Oh. Well, suddenly my character sheet feels inferior .-. [/quote] No worries lol I usually make my profiles like that. Your profile is fine regardless lol [quote=@BringBack1996] In all seriousness though, this looks great. The only thing I'm slightly concerned with is Samus' gunship, because I know how powerful that thing can be. I'm not against letting it on, but perhaps it can have a slower call:attack ratio since Samus is largely going to be in unfamiliar far away territory? Otherwise, this is pretty much accepted. Also yes, villainous characters are allowed. If anything, they're encouraged-the more conflicting personalities the better in my eyes. [/quote] I never said the gunship would be called instantly lol. But yes, when calling the gunship, it will take time. And in unfamiliar territory, she'll mostly likely be taking the ship there regardless, so it won't be like wayyyyy far away. But thanks, I'll add her into the profile. And yesssss lol I have several ideas for it so stay tuned. :)