And thus, I posted. Anyways... this ended up happening. I tried to loot the thief! Looting roll: 13 (+6 [WISmod]) = 19 Total Roll is < 20, so... 1d4 (coin), weapon is unenchanted, and the armor is broken. I rolled a d3 to determine the type of coin... I got a 2, so... silver. Rolled a 1d4, got a 4, so, 4 silver, and a titanium dagger. Titanium Dagger: A dagger made out of sturdier, rarer material than either iron or steel... as such, it's not usually found, save for when it's being used by other adventurers. It's better in pretty much every way than the steel daggers, and it's even shinier than them to boot. Damage: 1d12 + DEXmod [hr] By the by, I have been saving the rules, but it's all in a notepad thing... if you really want to see what I've got, thus far, Eklispe, I can copy-paste it into a PM. Also, for future notes... Looting: When deciding loot, the looter will have to roll 1d20, and add their WISmod, the basic table for the results is as follows... <20: 1d4 [coin], unenchanted weapon(s), and broken armor (basically unusable unless repaired) 20 - 29: 1d6 [coin + 1], enchanted weapon, and 'used' armor (lower defense than what they had.) 30+ (or any nat 20): 1d6 gold, enchanted weapon, and undamaged armor. [coin] in this case is a 1d3 "roll" to determine which kinds of coins you'll find. Any result higher than 3 is still 3. 1 = bronze 2 = silver 3+ = gold