[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/69de57780d1ef2e2c7bdc0cae106cc71/tumblr_mzzieyc4iW1qztgoio3_250.gif[/img] [h1]Rɪʟᴇʏ Lʏɴɴ Kʜᴀɴɢ[/h1] [img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0155/9395/files/Divider_large_red_large.png?1590[/img][/center] [color=bd3939]Name:[/color] Riley Lynn Khang. [color=bd3939]Age:[/color] 16 [color=bd3939]Timetable:[/color] [hider=Monday]1st period: Home Economics 2nd period: Gym RECESS 3rd period: Math 4th period: English LUNCH 5th period: Spanish[/hider] [hider=Tuesday]1st period: Home Economics 2nd period: Gym RECESS 3rd period: Math 4th period: English LUNCH 5th period: Spanish:[/hider] [hider=Wednesday]1st period: Home Economics 2nd period: Gym RECESS 3rd period: Math 4th period: English LUNCH 5th period: Spanish[/hider] [hider=Thursday]1st period: Home Economics 2nd period: Gym RECESS 3rd period: Math 4th period: English LUNCH 5th period: Spanish[/hider] [hider=Friday]1st period: Home Economics 2nd period: Gym RECESS 3rd period: Math 4th period: English LUNCH 5th period: Spanish[/hider] [color=bd3939]Biography:[/color] Born to a middle class Hmong American family in Cresent Peak, Riley is the middle child of six children. She has three older siblings; two of which have moved out and started families of their own. Her other older brother has been incarcerated for a few years now with about 5 years to go. She was too young to really know why he was put away, and her parents just tell her that "That is what happens when you're bad. Don't be bad!". Riley's other siblings are younger than her, and she often is stuck babysitting them while her parents work at their family owned laundromat. Growing up in a traditional house, Riley was taught how to cook, clean, and 'tend' to the men of the house on a very early age. It wasn't until she was old enough to go to school that she realized not all family dynamics out there were just like hers. She felt a bit of rebellion to her chores and tasks because of this, but those outbursts were quickly shutdown with a stern tone and a firm hand. Riley was a good kid, kept on top of her school work and because of her fear of her parents mental and physical abuse- kept to herself for the most part. High school brought Riley a bit more freedom and allowed her personality and true self to blossom. She kept her childhood ways in her homestead but every morning when she walked through those double doors she was able to leave those worries and thoughts behind. She made plenty of friends, and joined a few of the clubs available that interested her- letting her parents know that they were for college preparation only. Most days were built upon lies to her parents; claiming she was practicing for exams everyday while she really would be out at the mall with her friends. Things didn't add up one day when she came home with a head full of red hair instead of her natural black. That month was hell, as the lectures grew longer and the choke chain grew tighter. Riley's mother eventually accepted the change, and even allowed the girl to keep it up, but only if she began working at the laundromat every Sunday. [color=bd3939]Personality:[/color] Riley has a very happy go lucky personality, with a tendency for the dramatic and a weight on her shoulder that doesn't seem to get lighter. At school she is the girl that you will see with a cheerful smile across her face and a pep in her step. She enjoys making people laugh, talking with anyone that approaches her and being involved with extra-curricular activities. At home however, she tends to be very meek- not raising her voice or getting in anyone's way. She likes to keep to her room besides coming out to do chores. No one from school has ever been allowed to come over to Riley's house so no one has really seen that side of the girl. She technically isn't allowed to go to other people's houses either, but she usually can convince to one of her parents that she is just staying after school to do homework or a group project. Riley could be seen as a liar because of the sort of double life she is living, but she feels it's better to just wait out her problems rather than confront them and cause more trouble for herself. [color=bd3939]Hobbies:[/color] Self teaching how to play piano Knitting and sewing Watching youtube tutorial videos [color=bd3939]Likes[/color] Cooking big meals Hot tea with lemon and lots and lots of honey Having a reason not to go home after school Reading and learning about new things Getting her hair and nails done [color=bd3939]Dislikes[/color] Getting lectured often Not having her drivers license Having to babysit her siblings last minute Summer time heat and humidity Some of the traditions in her culture [color=bd3939]Habits[/color] Gasping dramatically for no real reason Texting with too many emojis and exclamation marks Eating late at night