[center][h2][color=pink]Kiki Williams[/color][/h2] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Dr.Jones 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 -- 💀 -- 🎀 [/center] Kiki felt pressure over her body, it was difficult to breathe. She felt like she was asleep, or had a fevery head - the type that made you feel like the room was spinning and your body in a freezing ache. The irony taste of blood was in her mouth and her surroundings smelled strongly of fresh blood. Her body was sticky, she could feel her hair matted to the back of her neck. She felt like a kid in the car, pretending to still be asleep after the ride for the sheer reason of wishing it were so. After a moment she pulled herself up a bit, the belt at her waist had cut into her pretty deep. All of her muscles were sore, her neck complained as she attempted to sit up. She looked down herself and patted over what she could reach, she felt like she was in one piece. This blood was definitely not hers. She looked to her left and saw a hand dangling over her shoulder with a simple golden ring on it, the blood had already dried in stripes along the connected fingers. Kiki's entire body complained as she did a sort of roll to pull herself out from under the body on top of her. She did normal exercise in the mornings, like jogging and yoga, but nothing could compare the soreness in her body right now. She finally ridded her back of the dead weight and watched the man sort of plop to her lap, his other arm thudding on the ground. He lay sideways, his head and arms at strange angles. He had plastic jutting out of his body and the thin airline blanket was soaked with sticky, cold blood. She peeled it off of his body like a sticky wrapping before dropping it at once, she gasped as she pulled her hand away. It looked like his side was turning inside out, the air of his lungs seeping through holes from a broken ribcage. "Dr.Jones?" she said, her voice just above a whisper. She cleared her throat, the feeling of pine needles having been shoved down them and spoke again, "Dr.Jones," she said more urgently. She knew deep down that there was no way he would respond, even if he somehow survived the trauma to his body, the loss of blood and intense injury would have him comatose for days and maybe weeks. She sobbed like a baloon letting out air, "Dr.Jones..." she was stuck under his body, his twisted body pinning her down into the seat. He had saved her life. Her neck cracked loudly and she winced as she sat up in an attempt to look over the seats. She held a hand to the back of her neck and looked around. She wondered how long they had been there. It had to be more than 20 minutes but no more than a couple of hours, judging by the blood and body in her lap. She heard some shuffling in the back and her heart skipped a beat. She very carefully turned her body as much as it would, being careful not to turn her neck.