[color=6ecff6]"Achoo!"[/color] Nathaniel suddenly covered his mouth as he took a big sneeze. It caught him completely by surprise, since he was definitely healthy. Super weird, [i]and[/i] super embarrassing. In an attempt to save himself some face, he cleared his throat and decided to speak up. [color=6ecff6]"Okay, while you guys do your weird... sneaky... stuff, I'll go ahead and see if I can find out a little more about the incident this morning."[/color] He said, gesturing his hands towards the group that Megan had formed before crossing his arms and thinking about what to do himself. Not being someone who enjoyed sneaking around or getting into trouble, Nathaniel figured he could at least go see the girl and see how she's doing. And maybe ask the faculty some questions. He looked around at the rest of the students gathered. [color=6ecff6]"I should probably ask. Does anyone here actually know the girl they found this morning?"[/color]