[color=lemonchiffon][h3][center]~~~Lainie~~~[/center][/h3][/color] [@FallenTrinity] Ok, that was impressive. Not just the demonstration itself, but the way it seemed to come effortlessly to him, to the point that he kept his casual demeanour the whole time. Maybe, eventually, she'd be strong and skilled like him... There it was again, that flicker of a thrill, threatening to spread and take over all reason. She tensed against the thought, pushing it to the back of her mind. [color=lemonchiffon]"Ummm, ok..."[/color] She kept glancing from him to the scorch mark on the ground, rooted in place by conflicting thoughts and feelings. She took a deep breath, finally forcing herself to move. Holding her hand out, she drew on her reserve of magic, a slight tingle running through her body as she did so. A small, controlled flame hovered above her hand. Something seemed to whisper to her. She could do better than that. She was stronger than that. The tingling sensation intensified. She resisted, trying to limit the flow of magic. Something was getting in the way, though, provoking her. It was the way Sulleykaar looked at her, with one eyebrow raised. He'd been acting like that the whole time... How had she let herself put up with it? What did he think she was, some fragile little flower? The tingle intensified into a surge of energy, the elemental magic's influence consuming her like an unchecked blaze. The flame swelled with a whoosh, crackling as tongues of fire lashed at the air. She raised her head and looked up at Sulleykaar, a rarely-seen grin on her face. [color=orangered]"You going to keep looking at me like that now?"[/color] she shouted, an edge to her voice. More flames sprang up, growing all around the girl who, just a moment ago, had tried to hold back her power.