Sasha returned to his book. He read quietly for a few more minutes, making it the end of his chapter before sticking his paper bookmark in the page and setting the book down. He was starting to feel a little cooped up. He hadn't done much today other than sit and read; it was probably time to move around a little. Sasha got up and stretched his arms out in front of him. Something in his back popped, giving him a small sensation of relief. He headed out of his room, past the guard with the dog and the two patients with him. He didn't really have much interest in their conversation. Really, he just wanted to walk around a little. Sasha wandered down several halls, pausing when he passed the rare windows to look outside. It always gave him a pang of misery when he saw the outside world. He missed traveling. He missed the action, the freedom, and most of all, the alcohol. What he wouldn't give for a bottle of vodka right now. Even just the cheap shit. He tore his eyes away from the window that overlooked the ocean and headed down another long hallway. He was a bit startled to see someone crouched on the ground near the middle of it. Sasha paused and watched the person. Small frame, long dark hair, definitely female. Was that nurse Nancy? He remembered her mostly for their back and forth arguing over whether or not he would take his medicine, but he also knew that she was a kind person. Too kind to be left crouching in a hallway by herself. What the hell was she doing? Sasha approached her, his steps surprisingly soft for someone his size. When he came to stand next to her, he looked down at her with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked, his concern even hinting in his voice. Sasha wasn't a bad person. Distant, aloof, and stubborn as hell, but not [i]bad[/i] per se. He certainly knew better than to let the nurse sit here alone in such a vulnerable position, obviously in pain.