Upon Tanya shaking Edward's hand he became quite quickly aware of the smooth scales and the sharp nails resting gently on the back of his palm, he was probably fine though why would she shake his hand if it was going to cut him? Deciding that was a question better left unanswered he chuckled along with her joke, at least she was nicer than she had been looking. [color=ed145b]"Mr?"[/color] Edward raised an eyebrow playfully [color=ed145b]"Well Lady Tanith I can confirm that it does in fact take large quantities of shampoo and time to keep this hair in presentable fashion"[/color] his voice now possible the worst British accent ever heard performing a curtsy with his hair that had fanned out behind him giving him the silhouette of a dress [color=ed145b]"Why; I may have been born one year prior to yourself however..."[/color] he stopped and coughed composing himself [color=ed145b]"Sorry got a little carried away there, I'll stop"[/color] probably best not to piss off the dragon girl, a nervous voice cut through the awkward silence much to his relief which quickly became being a little creeped out. "Hey there..." he offered a hand tentatively, the boy looked like like he was ripped straight from a horror film with a smile like that and the eyes did not help "I'm Ed..." [@UberBlutwurst][@Im a huge mess][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@FinDragon]