[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/f9k30UY.jpg[/img] takes the SEEDS, PIPS and BEANS in the hopes of helping them GROW. She has no TOOLS or SKILLS to work with, and the TRIBE knows nothing about FARMING, but she is DETERMINED to be USEFUL to the TRIBE today. It's going to take her A VERY LONG TIME as she has no TOOLS, but it'll be a GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE. fantisises about burning things as she works. UG THE FABULOUS and PORKCHOP are chilling out. WISEAU THE WISE ONE is CONTENT. gains 1 Farming XP. [/center] [b]Camp Information[/b] [hider=Camp Information] It is AFTERNOON. The temperature is WARMER THEN BEFORE. The weather is SUNNY. have set up their home in a NICE CLEARING. SOME PRIMITIVE FARMING is UNDERWAY. [b]Inventory:[/b] PORKCHOP: 1 Angry Spear Thing 2 Pips 1 Potato Seeds 1 Mysterious Glowing Bean 3 Giant Oranges (6 Potions) 4 Sticks 4 Flint Potato Seed (Planted) 2 Shacks [4/4 Population] Unlit Camp Fire[/hider][hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 5 Dinh AaronMk: 1 DeadBeatWalking: 1[/hider]