[center][hr][hr][h1][color=f26522][b]Cynthia[/b][/color] [b]&[/b] [b][color=fff79a]Lawson[/color][/b][/h1][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] In Front Of The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square[/center][hr] Cynthia looked down at her hands, trembling as she sunk to her feet just sitting there as Lawson looked around dazed as his gun fell from his hand and clanked against the ground. He was shot, his right shoulder and his left thigh. The shoulder had an exit wound but his thigh did not. There was blood but he was soaked in the stuff, a lot more than should have been there. Laying down on the ground he placed his bloodied arm against his forehead and took some long and deep breaths. He had been shot before and when Tuesday got to work she would see the extent of his scaring. How the man was alive was beyond anyone's guess between the burn marks, the lash marks, the bullet wounds. He looked like a walking advertisement of what not to do with one's life. [color=fff79a]"Noutin' but a flesh wound ma'am,"[/color] he said smiling over to Tuesday before taking another breath. Turning his head towards Jasmin he grinned even larger. [color=fff79a]"Don't ya be worryin' yer pretty little heads about that me. Fucker gots away though. I nailed him right in the chest but hes must have had a vests on because he got back up and ran. Knocked him again two more times but he kepts runnin',"[/color] he grumbled. [color=fff79a]"Should haves took my shotgun..."[/color] 911 answered the other side of the line and took the information down from Riley, keeping her on the line to give them updates on Lawsons condition in case they needed to help over the phone if they could with the basics but Lawson seemed to be holding up fine considering everything, he was half jovial as he reached out and squeezed Jasmins hand as he let Tuesday do her thing. It was obvious he was in pain but he wasn't complaining about it. Just complained over the fact he hadn't taken a bigger gun with him. Cynthia on the other hand was a nervous wreck and at this point was wandering aimlessly towards the alleyway as she mumbled to herself.