[@Aspen Wren] [@derseknight] [h2][center][color=lightcoral]Ronnie[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lightcoral]"Oomph!"[/color] The girl's eyes opened quickly as a hand flew to her stomach. She narrowed her eyes and looked over at the two heads watching her. Raising a brow, she tilted her head at their guilty stare. [color=lightcoral]"Okay. Which one of you hit me?"[/color] She watched as the two heads studied each other before rejecting her question. Jax nudged her hand with his purple snout while Pyre turned his ivory head towards the door with a sniff. Ronnie slowly rose to a sitting position as she looked towards her bedroom door. She could hear someone mulling about and...was that a squeaking noise? She slipped her legs from the bed and rose to a standing position. Absently scratching the back of Jax's head, she tried to look towards her room mate's bedroom door. The word 'food' popped into her head and she looked back down towards her dragon, where now both heads were staring eagerly towards the door. Ronnie blinked and raised a brow. [color=lightcoral]"What does he have that you two are so interested in?"[/color] Walking out of her room, she ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it. She could hear Pyre and Jax trotting behind her. With a tilt of her head, she peered into Allan's open room. Her eyes scanned the room before landing on the man himself, and the two rats on his shoulders. Ronnie squealed and jumped back, her dragon hungrily moving to his door. [color=lightcoral]"Rats! Holy hell, what the fu- Why the hell are there rats on you?!"[/color][hr] [h2][center][color=gray]Vince[/color][/center][/h2] Raising an eyebrow at the man's dragon, he watched as it interacted with Lotan. He gave a small throaty chuckle when the two started to play with each other. It made things a lot easier knowing that the two dragons would get along. Realizing he was being spoken to, he returned his attention back to the man in front of him. Stuffing his hands into his front pockets, he slightly shrugged his shoulders. [color=gray]"Honestly, I'm still getting used to the whole 'dragons are real' thing. I mean, my sister and I own an antique shop and we find weird things all the time...But never anything amounting to this. This whole situation is surreal."[/color] Hearing footsteps pass the open apartment door, he raised a brow and looked over his shoulder into the hallway. He could see the tall man from earlier waiting with his dragon down by the french girl's door. Vince raised a brow and cleared his throat before once more looking at Nate. [color=gray]"Sorry to cut this short, but Lotan and I are gonna check out the grounds a little while we still have time. You know, meet the neighbors and such."[/color] With a nod of his head, he pat the top of Lotan's head before they both headed into the hallway. He headed down until finally reaching the apartment in question. With a small nod to Niall, he scratched the back of his head before peering inside. He grinned upon seeing the frazzled woman. [color=gray]"Bonjour, mademoiselle. Est-ce que tu vas bien?"[/color]