Nancy glanced up at the voice, jumping a tiny bit and sending new waves of pain up her back. His footfalls had been so quiet she hadn't heard them. That, or the pain meds were kicking in. But probably the former. The meds hadn't even touched the pain yet, they needed a few more minutes to work. Great. It was one of the arguers. The worst one. She had seen one of his outbursts before, had actually been the cause of the last one if she understood the issue properly. She wouldn't let him leave the cafeteria without taking his pills, back when she was trying to streamline the prescription process by keeping everyone in the cafeteria until they took their meds. Now she just settled into the way it had been before- if people skipped the pill line, then the nurses had to hand deliver the pills. At first she had hated doing it, thinking it wasted time and energy, but it was so much easier that she soon completely gave up on changing that process. Nancy eyed Sasha warily, unsure of what he intended to do. Did he hold a grudge against her for calling the guards on him when he wouldn't take his pills? She had tried to make it up to him later, feeling she had gotten off to a bad start, but she got nervous and chickened out at the last minute. He was so big. He looked concerned, though, and she hadn't had any issue with him since. She still felt guilty about not apologizing to him, though. [color=Brown]"I'll be fine. Just a little back pain. No big deal."[/color] She tried to stand, felt the way her muscles were reacting, and thought better of it, lowering herself back to the ground. In the pediatric ward of the hospital, Nancy remember being made to walk up and down the halls in the back brace as part of her physical therapy. The doctors told her that her spine was mostly healed, but she could still swear she felt the bones crunching as she moved. She was terrified that something she would do would cause her spine to break completely, leaving her unable to move ever again. She knew this wasn't going to happen now, not so many years after the wreck when she could do most things perfectly well. But when the pain starting slicing through her like it was now, those old fears always came back, no matter how unreasonable they were." [color=Brown]"Just an old back injury acting up."[/color] She tried smiling up at the Russian man through the furrowed brows she couldn't ever hide when her pain started really acting up. [color=Brown]"Just had to take a moment. How are you feeling? Did you need something?"[/color] [@Metronome]