"Mmmff mmfm mmff mf mfff?" The short girl had managed to catch up with the group going to investigate the case of the missing cat only a few moments ago. Atop her head, what appeared to be a pair of catlike ears twitched as she approached. In her mouth, she held a piece of pink mochi, likely to keep her hands free while still keeping the sweet on her. After a few moments of looking around at the people assembled out front of the house, she started chewing and rapidly took the mochi into her mouth. Moments later she swallowed it entirely, audibly gulping it down. "Did I get here too late?" she asked, looking around at the assembled Miura Youth Organization Members. She'd set off pretty quickly, but she knew she was going to be late... so instead, she just went to one of the places she knew that the Youth Organization had been planning on going. But even then, it looked like she'd gotten there pretty late... the short green-haired satori tried to peer past the others, unable to see if the little girl was even out there yet. Finding a kitty was only the natural choice for the youkai! Aoi wasn't any good at fighting, so taking on an onryo really wasn't something she felt like she could manage. But saving a cute little kitty from potentially being kidnapped... that sounded like just the right kind of mission! "I hope I didn't, I really wanted to help!" Aoi added. As she approached, the ear-like antenna twitched more. While in her more restricted state(receiving too many thoughts could be overwhelming!) she couldn't get anything specific beyond... knowing there were people there and they were thinking, but she thought for sure she was picking up someone she hadn't met before in the immediate vicinity.