The woman was clearly startled when he spoke. Sasha lifted his hands, showing he meant no harm. He was pretty used to that kind of reaction out of people, to be honest. As she spoke, Nancy tried to get back up before giving up and sinking back down. She was obviously in a lot of pain, and Sasha had no intention of leaving her here. She really should be in the infirmary, laying down. "It doesn't look like 'no big deal'," He said, eyeing her expression. When she asked if he was okay, he gave a half hearted chuckle. "I'm not the one stuck on the floor, devotchka." Sasha held out a hand to help her up. "I could try to align it for you if that would help; might relax the muscles." He was no chiropractor, but Sasha had learned to align backs fairly well during his many tours that involved sleeping on the ground or on shitty cots. Many of his men would complain of back pain, with no doctor for miles. It was a skill learned out of necessity if nothing else. "Or I could take you to the infirmary. One thing is for sure, sitting here hunched over like that isn't going to help." He may have sounded a bit harsh, but Sasha couldn't help it. He was never raised to sugar coat his words.