Sasha was glad she'd decided to listen to reason and go to the infirmary. There wasn't any shame in needing help, after all. He braced her by hooking one arm under her's. She was walking like a eighty something year old woman, which worried him a bit. She really did seem like a nice nurse, and he'd hate to see her hurt herself. Sasha's mind wandered again as they slowly made their way to the infirmary. He started thinking about the meeting announcement he'd heard over the intercom earlier. He wondered what they talked about at those things. New and different ways to filet patients? He wondered if Nancy had anything to do with the disappearances. Or if she even knew about them. She seemed too tender hearted to do anything nefarious to her patients, but people could hide their true identities. Sasha had learned that if nothing else over the years. He finally spoke up to break the silence. "So a meeting, hm?" He said, phrasing it more as a question. "Are they going to talk about why there are patients missing?" A very blunt question; he wasn't good about beating around bushes. It was times like these when Sasha's bold mouth got him in trouble. Hell, that was part of the reason he was in this place to start with.