[@Doc Doctor] As the two convulsed together in a lethal embrace, something quite unexpected happened. Rakkan’s sizzling blood splattered all over the girl, mingling with her own bloodied neck, splattering into her eyes, mouth, and nose; soaking inside her body…but it went deeper than that. The large amount of energy pulsing through her and the abnormal qualities of his blood made it fuse into her very being, altering her DNA and adding his own abilities onto her. Both Rakkan and the woman were no longer how they once were, but instead a new being would come out of this. The blinding pain she felt turned into an odd, indescribable sensation mere moments before the world around her erupted into darkness, splattering what remained of Rakkan all around like someone splashed a paint bucket of dark goo onto the pavement. His body no longer retained it’s shape as it did so, leaving only the woman’s broken form laying in this pool. Nobody would assume that she was still alive upon seeing this sight, but she was still kept alive against all odds. From within her mushy remains began a healing process as her blood darkened like ink contaminated it and spread throughout her veins, somehow flowing without a heart to pump it. So began to birth of a new entity.