Sasha easily caught the woman as she stumbled, putting her back on her feet. He stopped and turned her to face him, looking down at her with a stern expression. "A lot a bullshit," He replied. "You can't tell you haven't noticed the weird shit that goes on around here. The guy just down the hall from me was taken downstairs and he hasn't come back up. The lady on block B has been missing from her cell for two weeks; her stuff is still there. Have you not noticed that some of the people here don't have any business in a mental institution? Do you have any idea why[i] I'm[/i] here? I'll give you a hint, it's [i]not[/i] because I'm crazy." Sasha stopped there. He straightened up a bit and started walked with her again, slowly. "Your doctor friend has some strange things going on here," He said, "I can't be the only one who's noticed. Lately I feel like I've been sitting on death row around here." Sasha was nothing if not observant. In his line of work, a healthy dose of paranoia and observance paid off. But here, it only seemed to get people in trouble. He knew he was nothing but mentally sound, but he probably sounded pretty crazy while spouting off his conspiracy theories. He knew good and well why he was here: to keep him quiet. The US government had screwed up by hiring him and they wanted to cover their asses. But this nurse probably thought he was some war vet with mental issues. "Don't tell anyone I said these things to you; it'll just get us both in trouble. Just keep your wits about you around here."