Hi my name is Traci and I'm 26. To begin, let me rewind ten years to 2006 when I was an awkward, slightly chubby teen-ager with only a few close friends. I didn't do anything super athletic and I wasn't in many clubs at school, except drama club. I discovered online RPG, mostly forums set in the Harry Potter world, and I was addicted. I wasn't the greatest writer, and still not to this day, in fact, I'm pretty rusty. I recently discovered some of the old forums I was a part of and read my old stuff and had a good laugh. But it made me miss this. So I'm back, ten years later, with what seems far less options of sites to participate in. (I remember a new Invisionfree forum starting up every week when I use to do this.) Just looking for anyone who may want to play with me. PM if you think I'm cool (which I'm definitely not).😝