Sasha gave another dry laugh. He didn't think the nurse had any real power to stop whatever was going on. Nothing outside of a riot would end it. Sasha would be half temped to start an uprising if he thought anyone around here would be willing to risk it. It might just be worth it if they could escape whatever was happening below their feet. But something told him that it would never happen. He remained silent until they reached the infirmary. Sasha handed the nurse off to the workers there. "Get some rest," He said as he let go of her to allow the other nurses to take care of her. He stood there for a moment, then turned to leave. Talking to Nancy had helped him build a little more trust towards her. He still wasn't taking her damn pills, though. Sasha headed back out into the hallway. He wasn't sure what he'd do now. Maybe go back to his cell to read some more. Hopefully he wouldn't find any more staff members laying around the halls.