[@Sailorsadie] [center][h1][color=red]Allan[/color][/h1][/center] Allan was distracted by the job of putting away his clothes when Soreth suddenly runs out of the closet, by him, and makes a loud growl-hiss type sound with her wings spread out. From surprise of his dragon and the sounds of his roommate speaking Al jumped up and quickly turned to face his door. This was not the way he hoped to meet his roommate. Not. At. All. Allan feels his rats hide in his shirt as he scans the scene before him, trying to figure out what to settle first. He saw smoke leaving Soreth's nostrils as she tries to keep the hungry two headed dragon away, assuming that amount of smoke wasn't a sign of happiness he decides to deal with his dragon first. "Soreth, calm down. It's okay." Al tried to put on his strongest and most manly voice he could but as anxiety built up in his body he was sounding more and more feminine by the second. Luckily Soreth calmed down and moved her rust brown body back to Allan, sitting beside him as she eyed the other dragon. The red haired boy, deciding Soreth was calmed down enough now, decides to finally acknowledge the girl standing at his doorway. "Didn't you know? I'm practically Cinderella." He mentally slaps himself for that pun before smiling a little and trying again, "the name's Allan. And these rats are my pets, raised them since they were small. They are [i]not food[/i], got it?" Al says as he glances to the girl's dragon, Soreth huffing a puff of smoke as she glares at it. "I don't raise feeders, these two are shoulder rats and follow me everywhere because they're great stress reliefs. Plus they know some cool tricks! And are much more sophisticated than you may think." He looks back at the girl with a serious look, despite being surprised he talked this much in front of a new person. [hr] [center][h1][color=orange]Nate[/color][/h1][/center] "It is a bit surprising, I bet my brother is having the time of his life though with knowing they exist," Nate chuckles a little before Vince said he was going to check the place out. He watches as Vince and Lotan leave, glancing down at Xalanth as the storm dragon whined a little. "Don't worry Xal, we'll see them again soon enough. We're roommates, remember?" At this Xalanth perks up, happy sparks going around his body before he nudges Nate. "You want to look around too? Alright. I suppose we can spare the time now that we know where our room is," Nate smiles down at Xalanth before stepping out. He watches as Vince goes to talk to one of the neighbors and decides to look around in the other direction for now. The two walked side-by-side as they ventured out to find something fun to do before it got too late.