[img]http://i.imgur.com/w7eOnii.png[/img] [b][color=thistle]"Uhhh..."[/color][/b] Kosuke said. He stepped in and took a seat across from Thomas, grabbing a chocolate chip cookie in the process. He hadn't expected the Blue King to be here... He was just about to ask what exactly the Black Guild was doing for the Cultural Festival because the messages he received gave him some conflicting messages. They weren't exactly a well organized force to begin with. The Sweepers had a network, but the Outlaws didn't, and it was causing problems for the ones on the lower end. What he wanted was what it is everyone in the Black Guild thought they were doing, and a way to reach the ones who weren't in on it. But since the Blue King was here, he couldn't say all of that. It could give the Blue Guild a chance to strike. After the second civil war, maybe everyone had already figured they were only loosely following a banner together, but the fact that they didn't know how loose it was gave them an edge, even if it was mostly a blunt one. Besides that, he had to remember he wasn't supposed to be jack shit right now. He wasn't a sweeper out of game, he was just another face in the crowd. He couldn't ask above his pay-grade or it'd be suspicious. [b][color=thistle]"If it's not too much trouble..."[/color][/b] He said, taking a bite out of his cookie. [b][color=thistle]"Would you be able to find out what the Black Guild is doing for the Cultural Festival?"[/color][/b] [color=thistle][i]Now for the excuse...[/i][/color] He thought. [b][color=thistle]"I have some friends in the Black Guild and they won't tell me what they're doing, but they keep telling me it's going to be amazing."[/color][/b] He continued. Then was the clincher... [b][color=thistle]"Basically, I feel like if the Black Guild thinks what they're doing is going to be able to take on the White Guild's cafe, I'm going to need to prepare my anus."[/color][/b] He finished. [hr] [@Lord of Evil][@KoL][@Lucius Cypher][@TheWindel]