One of the major things about being in the troll society was not showing weakness or bother. So when the troll spat in your face, you didn't even flinch. You continued to hold your glare on him, piercing through his skull like pins and needles. A low growl is wrenched from your throat, and without thinking, you raise your fist and deliver a nice, hefty blow to his face. And it promptly knocks him the fuck out. "Oh, shit," you mutter as the troll turns limp. You let him go and he crumples on the ground. Okay. Probably shouldn't have let him go. Swiftly, you hook your arms underneath his armpits and start pulling him back toward Lucy's house. Good thing it's the next house over. You heave him inside -- the humans never lock their doors -- and place him on the couch. "Lucy?" you call. A muffled reply comes from the kitchen. You make your way there and run into her in the hallway. "What's up?" she asks, looking over your shoulder. Her eyes widen in surprise. "Another troll?" "I kind of knocked him out."