Gabriel listened to the others as they spoke, although the captain's theory wasn't as far fetched as Gabriel's it seemed just as improbable, who would go through all the trouble of rewriting peoples memory to the point that none of them knew what the other was talking about. But he gave the captain the same respect he had been shown and didn't openly blast the idea saying how that couldn't be what happened, because in reality Gabriel's idea was by far the one less likely to happen. And aside from Blackstar's blatant disapproval of the idea it was clear that all the younger members at the table seemed to share his doubt of the ideas. It was laughable how the older men of the table seemed to the the most open and accepting of the situation. When the the professor suggested an alliance of sorts Gabriel spoke up, "I agree, a combined force is better than a single one, and well seeing how this is the only real shelter in the area, I would prefer to stay on your good side and not have to sleep in that old suit any more than I have to." He said knowing the captain still held all the cards and could delegate the conditions any way he pleased.