[center][h2]Sho Baba[/h2][/center] Sho flinched as the busty street sign fell forward, falling into a heap of frazzled (and flushed) racoon dog. [color=9b9747]“Oh dear…I she ok?” [/color] He begins to say, wondering if they should help. The other tanuki then turns back to the group, clarifying his demands before brushing past Sho to the collapsed girl, shoving her into his car and driving off hurriedly.[color=9b9747] [i]’Ooooh. Guess he’s making sure she’s getting taken care of. Man, what a nice guy. I bet he’s a great boss to...”[/i][/color] he thinks to himself. He turns back around, only to be met with the vicious and mighty flick of divine justice. [color=9b9747]“Hey…”[/color] He starts to object before his senpai tears into him and then Aamuu, though the sheep isn't precisely clear what they did wrong. Maybe he got the penis-dog name wrong? He was 90% certain that was right. Or was it scrotum? [color=9b9747][i]“Ugh...yokai names are dumb…”[/i][/color] He thinks, as he hurriedly attempts his homework assignment to his cells ‘to do list’. [color=9b9747]“....the same sentence five times or five different sentences?” [/color]He asks while walking behind Styx. [color=9b9747]“Cause one of those is much easier tha-” [/color] He is cut off as the Ankou warns the group to the presence of...something in the house. Sho gently sets Aamuu down, reaching into his pockets, pulling out a pair of brass knuckles and slipping them over his fingers. As weapons went, they probably didnt have the visual impact a scythe or a sword did, but the knuckle dusters shone with a muted golden sheen, decorative rams heads embossed on the striking side seemingly thirsting for something. The oddly violent aura they gave off seemed somewhat at odds with the cheerful idiot currently wearing them. [color=9b9747]“...So if we’re sure that a ghost lives here…” [/color] He begins to ask.[color=9b9747] “Why cant we just exorcise the whole building? Seems eaiser than trying to just catch the thing. Plus, seems like the best way to keep four walls and floor, like we were asked.” [/color]