[color=plum][h3][center] - Laurel -[/center][/h3][/color] Laurel had braced briefly for an impact but it never came, her nose twitched slightly as she opened her green eyes. She had opened her green eyes just in time to see the with go limp in Asmund's arms. She pursed her full lips, twisting them to the side in displeasure at the sight. "[color=plum]Fuck.[/color]" She was forever familiar with overuse of energy, especially fire energy. The kid was down for the count and because she didn't know him there was no telling how long he would be out. She growled softly, drawing the noise from her chest as she looked at the scene before her. She glanced up as Asmund's face, her features twisting once more as she pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. "[color=plum]Here, let me have him. He might freak out again when he wakes up, the fire won't hurt me as it will you.[/color]" She held her hands out, tiny as she was even a full grown man would not prove very difficult for her to carry. She would have to take him back to the lake and wait for him to wake up. Perhaps she would make the trek back to her room instead, it would be easier to care for the witch there than at the lake. She more items at her disposal there and it was significantly closer than the lake. She would just have to scare anyone who looked too closely at them. "[color=plum]I'm going to pack him back to campus and make sure he isn't going to die. He has to recoup from the stress and overuse of fire magic. It consumes energy just as it consumes the matter around it.[/color]" She wasn't quite sure why she was explaining herself but she did anyhow, turning her green gaze from the witch to the gifted that held him firmly. She flexed her hands briefly in the classic hand that to me motion.