[b]Saturday, Roughly 3:00PM[/b] James held onto the overhead handle as the bus went along, checking his texts with his other hand as he did so. There was nothing surprising, merely worried messages from his mother and his four different friends each attempting to set him up with different men, none of whom were his type. He appreciated the sentiment but thought that if he was to get his ideal man, he would find such a man himself. His train of thought was broken as the bus suddenly crashed into another vehicle. He, unlike many other passengers, managed to technically remain standing with the assistance of a nearby seat but his glasses fell off and his phone flew out of his hands and onto the floor, where his own foot accidentally finished it off. He steadied himself and looked around but saw that nobody had any serious injuries. [b]Saturday, roughly 11PM[/b] James groaned and rolled across the stupidly large bed in the spare room in his mother's penthouse apartment. He didn't live that far away in larger terms but it satisfied his mother for him to see him every few weeks and he would admit to enjoying the somewhat decadent luxury that his mother lived in. He had examined himself and seen nothing more than superficial injuries and, although he knew that he should really have got himself checked out properly, he only had a few bruises and a minor cut across his hand which he disinfected and bandaged. After that, he essentially continued his day as planned, meeting a friend and then heading to his mother's penthouse. He had trouble sleeping regularly but didn't have any sleeping pills with him as he hadn't had any trouble in the last few days and he now had a pounding headache and every part of him was aching. He got up and staggered towards the bathroom, managing to find some painkillers in the medicine cabinet and quickly swallowed them. As they kicked in and the pain was reduced, he managed to eventually fall asleep, his legs hanging halfway off the side of the bed and all of him except one arm on top of the sheets. [b]Sunday, roughly 7:00-10:00[/b] Although he hadn't managed as much sleep as he had wanted to, by the time he woke up, somehow having managed to fall off the bed altogether and pull the sheet with him, his mother had already left to get on with her important work life. He understood that she couldn't exactly slack off when she was running such a large company but she claimed that she wanted to see him more and seemed to make little effort to. He had spent hours just wandering around and watching the news but eventually got bored and decided to go out.